Tuesday 9 October 2012

Fall is here..

It feels as if the temperature dropped over night! 
The air is so crisp and that smell of fallen leaves sets that Autumn mood so well. 
Definitely my favorite time of the year. If only it would stay this way.. but I'm told that winter here in Saskatoon is just around the corner. 
And from what I'm told about the winters here, I don't think I am going to be prepared! Did I purchase any thermal underwear.. of course not. And why not? Because there's a small part of me willing myself to believe that they are all wrong! 

Thanksgiving weekend flew by! 
If Thanksgiving, General Conference, Pumpkin Pie (pumpkin ANTYHING), orange/yellow/red leaves don't scream FALL, then I don't know what does! 
Seeing and visiting family was so gratifying! 
When you move away from home, where all your family is, you become a lot more grateful for the things they do and the people they are. 

I had a first this weekend... I got to experience the Northern Lights on our drive home! We were almost to Saskatoon and Storm pointed them out to me as the sun started to set. 
I tried to get a picture with my phone..
Didn't work. 
I need to start taking my AWESOME camera Storm gave me for Christmas last year everywhere with me! 
Because sometimes those kind of moments never occur again! 
Though I'm sure I'll see them sometime in my life again, but for the first time.. never again. 
All I can say about those Northern Lights is what a Beautiful World we live in. We are so blessed, to have the opportunity to live upon something so magical all in itself. 

here's a bit of my weekend.. 
first pumpkin treat of the season.
Pumpkin smoothie. YUM

this boy, my little bro, had his bday before the weekend
he's 16!!

i got a new hair do
dark with ombre red

i missed this face. 

oh and look what i came home to.
it's body alone was bigger than my thumbnail.
How nice of that spider to camp out in my bathtub.
As I was bending close to get this picture, my loving husband screamed, grabbed me, and tried to push me towards this beast
Not so nice things came out of my mouth(i've repented), why men find things like that soo entertaining I'll never know. 

So there is one downside to Fall...creepy crawlers think it's an invitation to come hang out inside. 

Pre-occupied with all the Thanksgivin' going on all weekend, Storm and I didn't realize that Taken 2 came out over the weekend! 
I know what we'll be doing this weekend..

That and setting up Halloween decor!!
What are you being for Halloween??

 trying to convince Storm that it's cool to dress up. 
wouldn't that be the cutest couples costume! 
i thought so. 
let me know what ya think:) 


  1. love all of it.

    LOVE the costume idea though! so cute. Storm...man up. haha

  2. Ha. So many comments. I completely agree with moving away from home! I didn't realize how important my family - and my husband's - was until they weren't around anymore. AND I saw the Northern Lights for the first time on our way home too! Which is weird, cause I live way north, right? AND I saw Taken 2 this weekend -- so good. As for the couples costumes... I wish. *le sigh*


Tell me what you think! Please be nice:)