Sunday, 25 November 2012


How often do you journal? 
Everyday, few times a week, few times a month, or ever?

I remember the first journal I got. 
I was in achievement days and we had an activity about journals. We each got our own journal and spent the rest of that activity decorating and making them our own. 
That was the day I feel in love with journaling. 

I use to be really good at journaling every night! 
It wasn't until I got married and life became 'real' that I fell out of my habit. I would go a whole month without writing one thing! 
It wasn't until recently I decided this is really something I need to get back into. Not only because it's a way for me to express my feelings and opinions, but maybe one day it will be of worth to someone who comes across it. 

Just the other night I finished another journal. 
It was bitter-sweet.
Sweet Because.. 
I get to start a new one!
And it felt accomplishing to finish this specific journal. This journal I had struggled through emotionally but also physically just trying to write it. I've had 5 concussions in my life-time, so my memory is not what it use to be.. 
can't believe I'm 21 and saying something like that..
Things that would happen or thoughts I would think of during the day would usually be what I wrote in my journal. But that's kind of hard when you get to the end of the day and you don't even remember what your first thoughts were that morning.. let alone through out the day! At first I was slowly making progress.. no more headaches.. I could focus and read longer.. But lately things have been at a standstill. Hopefully this isn't going to be as good as it gets. I have a lot of dreams in mind and one of them is not dementia when I'm older! 

Bitter Because.. 
I always get a little sad when I turn to the last page of a journal. Kind of like when you are reading a really good book and you hit the last chapter. So you don't touch it for a week trying to put off the inevitable, until you can't stand it any longer. You read the last page and then you walk around for the next couple of weeks with either a huge hole in your heart or mad because reality doesn't even compare to the world you were just in. 

Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way when I end a journal. It's like a portion of my life I'm putting an end to and no matter how long and hard I think about it I feel I can never write a justifying end to it. 

My journals may never be like Anne Frank's journal where an important piece of history was recorded and saved, but they could be of importance to my children or my childrens' children! And if not then it's just a hobby I really enjoy:) 

If you don't journal I really suggest you do.

Sometime this week I also realized I never reported on my book I was reading. It was a good read; though not something I would recommend to young readers by any means! 
It's not apparent in the movie, but there are some racy parts and the language a little harsh at times. 

I'm giving the novel Peter Pan a try! I love the movie and you know what they say, the book is always better! 
Because let's all admit it, what little girl didn't dream of a young wild boy flying to her window and sneaking her off to Neverland where mermaids, pirates, and fairies lived!? 

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